File References #fl-ND000001

4083 Mendota Ave Spring Hill, FL 34606


Property Details

Parcel ID: R15-223-17-4230-0000-2420

LOT SIZE: 0.27 acres / 11,752 SqFt


Perc test: NO




OFFER guideline/DEtails

Please submit your Highest and best offer once all due diligence has been completed. The highest and best will be accepted based on speed of closing, convenience and price.

close within (21) days or less. Price is net to the seller, buyer pays all closing costs unless otherwise specified.After the offer is accepted, the contract must be signed and EMD must be received within 5 hrs to the agency/office that is facilitating the closing. Minimum EMD amount for any property is $1,000. Earnest Money Deposit is Non-Refundable unless title cannot be cleared.

Basic Terms

For any offer, we either own the property or have equitable ownership interest with the ability to assign our contractual rights to the purchasing party. The buyer is responsible for their own due diligence and verifying all facts and figures in regards to purchasing the property. The opinion of value is given as a courtesy only as the seller makes no guarantees or warranties, express or implied, as to the value or condition of the property.

Wholesalers and Real Estate Agents

You may share this property with your buyers, however, please do not post this deal on any online platform without our consent. Wholesalers and Real Estate Agents, please add your fee and/or commission on top of our offering price when marketing to clients. To discuss further, please contact us.

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